Kalsarp Dosh Puja in Nasik is Performed to Nullify the ill Effects and to Lead a Happy Life

kaal sarp dosh puja Kalsarp dosh, according to Hindu Vedic traditions, is considered one of the most serious doshas in the horoscope. According to astrology, Kaalsarp dosh is formed from one's past acts or karma. This dosh will appear in the horoscope when all the planets gets struck between Rahu or Ketu . In a particular phenomenon, as Kaalsarp dosh shields the planets, the consequences they represent depict may get retarded, which will lead to problems in the life of the individual. Basically, we can find 12 Kaalsarp doshas In astrology. Each of these appearances is outlined as per the positioning of Rahu and Ketu in the person’s horoscopic chart. Some of the expected consequences of KalSarp dosh include severe difficulties in one’s life, absence of mental peacefulness, health-related problems, lack of self-confidence, shortening of life, poverty, complications in career and business, worries and anxiety, feeling loneliness, differences between family members and ...